Your stay in this living space will be covered by our StayProtection package with Stay Benefits included! Read more
N/A Mbps
N/A Mbps
The host has not filled the internet speed yet. Ask them to clarify this.
Every time you rent through Flatio, you're automatically covered by our StayProtection package.
By booking this living space, you'll also enjoy extended protection in the form of Stay Benefits - a unique offering backed by AXA! Here's what such packaging includes:
Once you send a booking request, the host is notified that you are interested in their listing. From that moment, they have 24 hours to approve or reject your booking.
Hosts are mainly interested in the profile of their guest. Do not forget to fill in all necessary information, add your profile picture, or even make a short video about yourself. Doing that will make you more attractive for the owner and your booking will more likely get approved.
You can take a look at the contract in advance and online with every listing. After you sign it, you will find it in the application My Housing.
While arranging a contract on Flatio, you do not have to worry that it could be disadvantageous for you. Our contracts are made so that we avoid all problems! All of them are the same, used by all the hosts on Flatio.
Your time is precious. That's why we've added a virtual tour option to our platform so you can see some of the rentals listed on Flatio from the comfort of your own home.
If a virtual tour isn't available for the accommodation you've chosen, you can contact the host and ask them if they're willing to give you a personal tour of the rental unit.
In the event that you move in and the rented accommodation doesn't match the information on Flatio, let us know as soon as possible!
If the conditions for the withdrawal are met and the host can't fix the issue immediately, you have the option to withdraw from the lease agreement with a full refund. We'll also actively help you find an alternative accommodation and remain by your side until everything is fully resolved.
You can read the conditions and all details about our Move-in Guarantee in this article of our Help Center.
How you can cancel a booking varies depending on what stage the booking is in.
Is your booking request still waiting for host approval? Then you can simply cancel it directly from your My Housing web app!
However, suppose the owner has already approved your booking request, and you are no longer interested in it. In that case, you can still cancel the booking before you sign the lease agreement. Just consider that you should do this only in essential cases. Because when the host accepts your booking, the living space is stopped being advertised, and they can lose the chance to rent their property to someone else.
Do you have an approved booking and also a valid agreement? In order to cancel your booking, contact Flatio customer support well in advance of your contract beginning (the specific time and amount of refund depends on the type of cancelation policy).
What will you get?
Tips for traveling as a digital nomad
All the Flatio benefits for free
Special listings for special prices - only for registered people!
+ El apartamento está ubicado en una zona con buenas conexiones con el transporte público.
+ Hay supermercados, cafeterías y restaurantes cerca del apartamento.
+ Buen WiFi, excelente para teletrabajar desde el apartamento.
+ El apartamento te ofrece todas las herramientas y utensilios para poder vivir allí durante un largo periodo y no echar en falta nada. Utensilios de cocina, fuegos, microondas, frigorífico, plancha, tendedero, aspiradora, fregona, escoba, router, vajilla, sabanas, toallas, secador...
+ Tienes la mitad de una terraza para tomar el aire.
+ Hay mucho espacio de almacenaje, el armario ropero es gigantesco y en la cocina hay espacio de sobra para almacenar comida.
+ Tiene ascensor, aunque al ser una primera planta no lo usarás mucho.
+ Durante mi estancia allí no tuve problemas con ruidos del vecindario.
+ El apartamento tiene el tamaño perfecto para que pueda vivir allí una o dos personas.
+ La zona es segura, y deberás pasar por cuatro puertas antes de entrar en el apartamento, lo que aumenta la seguridad.
- Si quieres cocinar algo más elaborado tendrás problemas con los cortes de luz. Si tienes puesto el fuego grande de la cocina durante más de 20 minutos saltarán los plomos. Esto me ha sucedido al menos 5 veces. Deberás esperar 15 minutos antes de poder encender los plomos de nuevo, algo que hace que estés más tiempo cocinando y te roba mucho tiempo libre.
- Si sois dos personas (yo estuve una semana conviviendo con mi pareja) no podréis ducharos de seguido ya que después de que la primera persona se duche deberás esperar un tiempo a que se caliente el agua de nuevo.
- Aunque el apartamento se me entrego en buenas condiciones, tenía algunos desperfectos. Las cortinas de la ducha tenían unas manchas que a gente más sensible podrían resultarle repulsivas. Había ropa interior usada en un cajón y debajo del microondas había una gran mancha que parecía llevar allí bastante tiempo. Creo que el anterior servicio de limpieza hizo un trabajo muy superficial.
- Cuando se va a terminar el periodo de alquiler, la casera te hará pagar una cuota de limpieza o te hará hacer una limpieza profunda del apartamento. Algo que se sale fuera de lo establecido por Flatio que sólo te pide hacer una limpieza general.
- La calefacción hace sonidos por la noche que a más de uno le dificultarán el sueño.
- La cocina no tiene campana extractora, y además tiene una alarma de humos. Por lo que si cocinas carne seguramente tendrás que coger una escalera y apagar la alarma en repetidas ocasiones.
- No entra mucha luz al apartamento por el patio, lo que te obliga en ocasiones a tener las luces artificiales encendidas.
Margaret Island
Spar market (Budapest, Horvát u. 12-26)
Quiet and calm, nice area