Owner Roman's card - Flatio
as a Guest as a Host as F4B
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Roman K.
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
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About me
Jsem podnikatel s mnoholetými zkušenostmi v oblasti realit. Velmi mě baví má práce a toto se promítá i do bytu, který jsem se snažil promyslet do nejmenšího detailu. I am an entrepreneur with many years of experience in real estate investment. I love my work and believe it shows in the details of the flats that I offer.
Your hobbies
Lyžování, cestování, salsa, dobré červené víno. Skiing, travels, salsa and fine red wine.

Last online
6 days
Registration on Flatio
Oktobar 2018

Roman is a verified owner.
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