Owner Elisa's card - Flatio
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Elisa B.
Vila Nova de Gaia
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Unchecked listings 1
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
Sunny and big flat near the beach
StayProtection Guest-Verified
21. 1. - 25. 1. (5 days)
90  / night
All utilities included
About me
Hello there, My name is Elisa. I have 2 kids, 2 dogs and i love to travel!

Last online
2 months
Registration on Flatio
April 2024

Elisa is a verified owner.
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