Owner Valentina's card - Flatio
as a Guest as a Host as F4B
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Valentina R.
San Martino Al Cimino
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About me
At 5 kms distance from the hotel are: the lakes "Lago di Vico", at 25 the "Lago di Bolsena", where you can make excursions on foot or organize a trip. Тhe staff speaks English, Italian, Spanish.
Your hobbies
Every Monday in the central square of San-Martino-Al-Cimino - meteo conditions permitting- a sparkling agro-market of local products is organized. For our guests we can organize the visit of some particular places: the Thermal Baths your relax and wellbeing, historical and artistic places unique in the world.

Last online
11 months
Registration on Flatio
Septembar 2022

Valentina is a verified owner.
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