Katy: I consider myself very creative - I love to make photographs, dabble in art, travel to new (and favourite) places, try new coffee shops, bakeries and restaurants and love to hunt for books, antiques and vintage fashion.
Aaron: In my actual spare time, I like to run, cook, travel, go to music gigs and am also an avid reader of non-fiction. I'm respectful of privacy, friendly, a conversationalist and happy to help out where I can for those who've never been to Edinburgh.
We love to travel together, go to music gigs, watch cinematic and thought-provoking films and shows - and eat all the delicious things together! You'll see many 'clues' to our personalities around the flat, betrayed by our choice of wall art, books and music.
We're also review nerds - if we enjoy a place, we make sure to review it (on Google Maps etc) to try and support independent eateries and businesses that we love. We're also writing our own Guide to Edinburgh - to share with you our morning/afternoon coffee walk circuits, nearest access to nature and favourite lunch/dinner spots. And some ideas for weekend activities to make the most of your time here outside of work!